Getting Started Using WexZone Manager Requirements
RSS Feeds

Create New RSS Feed
Editing a RSS Feed
Deleting a RSS Feed
Copying a RSS Feed


To edit a desired feed, click on the name of the feed in the System Navigation. Once the RSS feed-editing interface has loaded, you can successfully edit the feed. 

RSS Feed-Editing Interface

RSS FEED NAME should be unique for referencing the feed throughout the system. The name can contain uppercase, lowercase, and numerical characters.

RSS FEED URL is the full URL of the feed you want to include in your site. You can get this URL by clicking on the “RSS” button on the site whose information you want to use.                                     

TEMPLATE determines the overall design and layout of your feed data. The pulldown lists the Templates on file in the system. To manage these templates, please refer to the Templates section of this manual.

MAXIMUM ITEMS determines the maximum number of news items to display on a page.

FEED READER TEMPLATE determines the layout of the RSS Feed items.  Use the pulldown to insert objects in the window.

Once you have finished editing the feed, click “save” to publish your changes.

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To delete a desired feed, click on the name of the feed in the System Navigation. Once the feed-editing interface has loaded, click the “Delete” button. A popup will appear to confirm this action.

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To copy a desired feed, click on the name of the feed in the System Navigation. Once the feed-editing interface has loaded, click the “Copy” button. The newly created copy will load into the RSS feed-editing interface. The RSS FEED NAME will automatically be changed to "Originalname copy". Change this field to your desired value.

Once you have finished editing the feed, click “save” to publish your changes.
Updated: Mar 08, 2007