Getting Started Using WexZone Manager Requirements
Create System User

This function enables you to give individuals access to your WexZone Manager System.

USER TYPE determines what type of access the user is permitted. If you select “Admin” the user will have full access to all areas of the system. If you select “User”, you can limit access to specific areas of the system.

NAME should be unique for referencing the user throughout the system. The name can contain uppercase, lowercase, and numerical characters.

EMAIL should be a valid email address for receiving system notifications.

USERNAME should always be one word, unique, and no less than 6 characters. For example, MyWexZoneUsername.

PASSWORD should be unique, no less than 6 characters, contain upper and lowercase letters, and contain at least one number. For example, password could be afTU56gwP.

Once you have filled out each field, click “save” to create the user. The system will automatically take you to the user-editing interface so that you may edit the user you have created.
Updated: Feb 22, 2008