Getting Started Using WexZone Manager Requirements
Meta Tag Records

Create New Meta Tag Record
Editing a Meta Tag Record

Deleting a Meta Tag Record

Copying a Meta Tag Record


To edit a desired meta tag record, click on the name of the meta tag record in the System Navigation. Once the meta tag record-editing interface has loaded, you can successfully edit the meta tag record. 

SEARCH ENGINE STATS (select the date range at the top and click “ok”)

  • Search Engines and their associated statistics, including the total hits for each engine.
  • Search Phrases and the total number of hits for each phrase.
  • Search Words and the total number of hits for each word.

Meta Tag Record-Editing Interface

RECORD NAME should be unique for referencing the record throughout the system. The name can contain uppercase, lowercase, and numerical characters.

META TITLE is the overall title of your site. This title is used by search engines and browsers to identify your site to users. The title can contain uppercase, lowercase, and numerical characters. For example, has the title of WexZone.

META DESCRIPTION is a description of your site, products, and/or services.

META KEYWORDS are words or phrases the user might type in to find your site from a search engine. These words or phrases must be separated by a comma and a space. For example, keywords can be keyword1, keyword2, keyword3.

Once you have finished editing the meta tag record, click “save” to publish your changes.

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To delete a desired meta tag record, click on the name of the meta tag record in the System Navigation. Once the meta tag record-editing interface has loaded, click the “Delete” button. A popup will appear to confirm this action.

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To copy a desired meta tag record, click on the name of the meta tag record in the System Navigation. Once the meta tag record-editing interface has loaded, click the “Copy” button. The newly created copy will load into the meta tag record-editing interface. The RECORD NAME will automatically be changed to "Originalname copy". Change this field to your desired value.

Once you have finished editing the meta tag record, click “save” to publish your changes.
Updated: Feb 20, 2008